Partners | Training & Certification | Contact for more info


Partners advanced technical knowledge is a must.
MONITORAPP is dedicated to supporting the technological growth of our partners.

MONITORAPP runs training programs for engineers in charge of technical support for partner companies.
– Including MONITORAPP’s technical support and service team, MONITORAPP provides a training course received from experts.
– Information obtained during the training course enables customers to distribute products successfully and keep MONITORAPP’s security products and the whole solution.
– During all data education from MONITORAPP, classes are adjusted for specified goals. All training courses will be conducted by an expert who can solve complicated technical problems and detailed functions.

Contact : / +82-70-4633-2759
MONITORAPP Webinar Schedule
  • 2025-06-25115:00~16:00
    Toward Web App and API Security: Why Conventional WAFs No Longer Cut It
    Toward Web App and API Security: Why Conventional WAFs No Longer Cut It
    Ebenezer Boahene Teye
  • 2025-04-2315:00~16:00
    Website Protection Redefined: Detect, Protect and Deflect
  • 2025-02-2615:00~16:00
    Protecting the Modern Workforce: ZTNA as the VPN Replacement
MONITORAPP will support you if you have any training on the subject you want.
If you send us your desired training requirements, we will apply through video or local training.
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