Compliment Relay July 2023 by Heewon Shin, Researcher of MONITORAPP | MONITORAPP


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Compliment Relay July 2023 by Heewon Shin, Researcher of MONITORAPP


It's late July, and the rain has stopped for a while.

The sun is shining and the heat is reflecting off the ground, but the thought of summer vacation seems to be making us happy~.

Heewon Shin, a researcher in the UX team of Appliance, was selected as the recipient of the July Praise Relay.

Let's meet Heewon Shin through an interview.


Q1. How long have you been with the organization and what kind of work do you do?


I joined MONITORAPP in the warm spring of 2021 and it's already been 3 years. And I'm in charge of UI development and maintenance of the product. 🙂

Q2. How would you describe the culture and mood at MONITORAPP?


The first thing that comes to mind is that MONITORAPP actively supports employees to take responsibility for their work and pursue their passion.

Also, I think the expression 'employee-centered culture' is appropriate because we are active in enhancing the work satisfaction of our employees through work-life balance and welfare programs.



Q3. How does it feel to be selected as a Compliment Relay runner?


I was very embarrassed at first, but it made me appreciate the compliments and realize that I need to work harder.

I still think I'm not good enough, so I'll try to do better and better.

Thank you again!!!

Q4. What do you think is the reason why you were selected as a Compliment Relay Runner?


I think it's because I'm still lacking in a lot of things, but I think they saw my efforts in my work and my willingness to actively greet my colleagues, which is a basic part of organizational life.

I'm going to work hard to show my coworkers that I've improved in my work based on this opportunity to be selected as a Compliment Relay Runner. 🙂

Q5. What are your goals for the 2023 MONITORAPP and team?


First of all, the goal is to provide the best service to users by developing convenient and intuitive UI and functions for work!

In addition, I would like to say that another goal is to strengthen communication with various departments in need of collaboration to create an environment

where good products can be developed as a flowing collaboration system.

Q6. How would you like to see MONITORAPP grow in the medium to long term and do you have any wishes for MONITORAPP?


I would like to see MONITORAPP's capabilities further strengthened and become the number one global company in the security industry not only in Korea but also in the world!

Also, I hope you will continue to strive for the growth and welfare of our members as you are doing now! 🙂 Go MONITORAPP!!!

Q7.What are the two keywords that you recommend joining MONITORAPP?


The first is 'welfare'.

We are constantly collecting opinions from our employees through workshops and meetings to provide better welfare.

We have various welfare programs such as 1.2 million welfare points per year, Family Day, summer vacation expenses, holiday bonuses, and breakfast,

and it is steadily improving, so I would like to present it as the first keyword.


The second is 'consideration'.

All of our coworkers, from those with whom we have professional contact to those with whom we have less contact, understand and respect each other,

and always treat us with kindness and laughter, which creates a comfortable atmosphere to work in. I would like to mention this consideration as the second keyword.


I would like to thank Heewon Shin for her consideration and bright smile throughout the interview.

This concludes our July Compliment Relay Runner interview, and we'll be back with our August Compliment Relay Runner.


Thank you!

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