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There have been many changes in the modern business environment after the long pandemic.

Applications that used to run within the internal network have been moving to the public cloud, and a lot of data is also moving to the cloud.


However, the emergence of new work environments such as remote and telecommuting has also led to the increase of security threats as existing business boundaries are blurring.



Limitations of Existing VPN

Previously, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) was used to provide secure remote access to distributed personnel.

A VPN is a technology used to create a secure, encrypted connection between two networks or devices over the Internet.

However, nowadays, as employees need to access company applications and data from a variety of devices regardless of time and location,

and as companies increase their use of cloud infrastructure and SaaS, VPNs are reaching their limits

① VPN can cause network delay due to backhauling remote user traffic to a distant data center;

② VPN can increase the risk of being attacked as it tunnels users who have passed the firewall and places them on the same network as the company's application;

③ VPN can lead to a larger data leak as once it allows a user to connect to the network, that user is granted unlimited access to all company resources




A new paradigm in security, ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a secure remote access solution that implements zero trust security principles, authenticating users and granting access to specific applications based on identity and context policies.


In other words, this principle does not trust anyone, or any devices by default.

SDP (Software Defined Perimeter) is a technology that is often mentioned along with ZTNA.

SDP is a global access control framework that controls access to resources based on identity.

While the existing network security uses the “first connect, then authenticate” method,

SDP uses the “first authenticate, then connect“ method, allowing only users with a certain identity to safely access the application according to the identity authentication results.


Although the above-mentioned two technologies seem to have many functional similarities, SDP is actually a core element of ZTNA that is based on the premise that no device or network is secure.


This explains why both SDP and ZTNA are functionally necessary to complete a zero-trust environment.




《AIONCLOUD Secure Remote Access》

AIONCLOUD Secure Remote Access (SRA) is a ZTNA solution that safely protects corporate networks and private applications, with the following features:

① Improve user experience significantly by eliminating the existing backhaul through VPN and connecting users directly to the company's private applications.

② Protect users from unauthorized users or networks by protecting the company’s private application with a connector (AIConnector) and preventing IP exposure through direct internal and external connections.

③ Grant users minimal privileges and verify users and devices each time they access a cataloged company application.


In addition, AIONCLOUD Secure Remote Access (SRA) is linked with Secure Internet Access (SIA) – MONITORAPP’s SSE (Security Service Edge) platform,

which was recently upgraded to a new version (Ver. 3.0), providing more safe and fast access to the Internet, SaaS applications, and private applications.


SSE Architecture



Learn more about [AIONCLOUD Secure Remote Access]!

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