Compliment Relay October 2023 by Taejun Roh, Associate Researcher of MONITORAPP | MONITORAPP


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Compliment Relay October 2023 by Taejun Roh, Associate Researcher of MONITORAPP

Taejun Roh, Associate Researcher of MONITORAPP


Hello, we're MONITORAPP.

We have arrived at the peak of 2023 when the autumn leaves are coming up red. There are still two months left in 2023, but are you doing well with your plans?

I hope you have a healthy fall in the weather with a large daily temperature difference.

Also in October, MONITORAPP's compliment relay runner arrived. 🙂

Dongho Lee, a senior researcher at the institute who was selected as the September Compliment Relay winner,

selected Taejun Roh, a full-time researcher in the Quality Innovation Team of the Product Management Division, as the October Compliment Relay winner.

Let's start an interview with Associate Researcher Taejoon Roh?

Q1. Please introduce yourself and tell us what you do.


hello. I'm Taejun Roh, a associate researcher working in the Quality Innovation Team of the Product Management Division.

I joined MONITORAPP in May 2018, so it's been five years already.

By the way, it's been a long time since I reached the 5 years of service to use the 5-year reward vacation. 🙂

My first relationship with MONITORAPP was as an engineer, then I worked in the technical support team for about 2 years as a customer and partner contact,

and now, as I mentioned, I am in charge of quality verification and issue tracking for AIWAF products in the quality innovation team.

Q2. You've been working at MONITORAPP for more than 5 years, how would you describe the culture and atmosphere at MONITORAPP?


The good thing about being here for more than 5 years is that the culture of respect and consideration for each other is naturally permeated in any organization in the company.

It may seem obvious at first glance, but I think it's one of the most important benefits of being able to focus on your work without any interpersonal discomfort.

Q3. How does it feel to be selected as a Compliment Relay runner?


It was unexpected and overwhelming because I've been doing my job for years without being noticed.

I'm also proud that I've finally grown to the point where I'm remembered by someone... I'll use it as a motivation to work even harder in the future.



Q4. What do you think is the reason why you were selected as a Compliment Relay runner?


This year, I've been trying to take more initiative in my work to become a person worthy of a Associate position, and I think my efforts have been conveyed.

Also, there are moments when you need an unbiased perspective when validating a product, and I think my past experience in tech support has helped me a lot.

I will continue to try to look at products from a variety of perspectives.

Q5. It's already Q4 of 2023, what are your final goals for MONITORAPP and the team in 2023?


In 2023, our goal in terms of AIWAF is to improve product stability.

We believe that this is an important factor in solidifying our position in the web firewall market in order to empower our other products, including AIONCLOUD.

Therefore, the team is focusing on strengthening the quality verification system and individual capabilities to improve product stability.

In addition, my personal goal is to continue to work with more diverse perspectives and more initiative so that we can reach a common goal.

Q6. How would you like to see MONITORAPP grow in the medium to long term, and what are your hopes for MONITORAPP?


I would like to see MONITORAPP grow into a company that can be thought of whenever web application security is mentioned, regardless of platform.

I think the future is not vague if we balance the stability of our existing flagship products with bold challenges in new areas.



Q7. Please select 2 keywords that you would recommend to job seekers for MONITORAPP!


'Possibilities'.  MONITORAPP has gained traction in the web application security field and continues to grow with sufficient competitiveness.

I think that joining a company with stability and a vision of sustainable growth will be very helpful for personal growth.

And the 'people'. Even in a company of nearly 100 coworkers, it's rare to find a group of people who aren't a little bit crazy.

I think this is one of the most important keywords when choosing a company because there is nothing like good coworkers to help you reach your goals.


We would like to thank Mr. Roh for his time and attention to detail in this interview,

Compliment Relay will be back in November with a new compliment relay contributor.


Until then, have a great fall.


Thank you.

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