MONITORAPP's Exclusive 2023 Team Building Fall Workshop (feat. Sports day) | MONITORAPP


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MONITORAPP’s Exclusive 2023 Team Building Fall Workshop (feat. Sports day)

Hello. We're MONITORAPP.

Greetings on the last day of October.

According to the latest weather forecast, the temperature is about 5 degrees higher than the temperature in late October.

In previous years, it was necessary to wear a coat, but this year it seems like it's not too much of a problem to not have a coat yet.

The best time to enjoy the fall foliage is from early to mid-November, so I hope you can enjoy it while it's still warm 🙂

So~ on Friday, the 27th of this month, the fall workshop focused on team building was held at the Korea Productivity Center Training Center in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do.

The weather forecast was constantly fluctuating, but we were able to run the workshop on a clearer day than usual.



The combination of the clear sky and the leaves ripening in autumn makes you want to run. 🙂



We had fun warm-ups and team-specific spots led by a professional MC.

Let's take a look at some photos from the workshop.



It's a team building where each team collaborates and relays with each other in a mini-Olympics to create results. It's so fun~.



Team building where all members cooperate to create results. The competition is fierce 🙂



Can you feel the fun of the workshop from the photos?

It's true that running a workshop requires a lot of consideration from the members, including busy work and personal matters.

I think this workshop will be memorable once again thanks to the efforts and consideration of MONITORAPP members.


We will come back in November~!



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