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Global SSE(Security Service Edge) Platform, AIONCLOUD SIA (Secure Internet Access)



The long exhausting pandemic has created a new flexible working system for us, where employees can easily access internal resources and work anywhere, any time.

This also leads to a higher risk of corporate security threats as the work environment is no longer limited by time and location.



《Limitations of Existing Perimeter Security》

In the early days, traditional security (1) divided an organization’s network into internal and external areas mainly based on security equipment, where the internal network is trusted while the external one is untrusted,

and (2) backhauled all traffic inside one organization and deploys security equipment intensively at the internet gateway.

However, these internet gateways cannot be installed in every office or end-user location due to high cost and complexity.

Therefore, there was no choice but to deploy such internet gateways in a centralized manner.


This, on the other hand, might lead to problems such as stacking of security equipment and excessive concentration of traffic occurring at the gateway.


Additionally, as many enterprise applications have moved to the cloud, more and more user traffic is moving directly to the cloud rather than through traditional security stacks.


In other words, we are left in a situation where we can no longer control the traffic through centralized deployment alone.




《AIONCLOUD Secure Internet Access》

AIONCLOUD Secure Internet Access (hereinafter SIA) is a cloud-based security service and SSE platform

that ensures Internet access for users and organizations anywhere in the world, regardless of the location of users, applications, and devices.


SIA is a security solution created based on the zero-trust security model, which fundamentally suspects and verifies all networks, creating a dynamic security perimeter.


Our users, through the AI Connector, or PAC file, can use our services such as data security, monitoring, and access control everywhere regardless of their location.



Our SIA provides services as follows:

1) SWG (Secure Web Gateway)

A security solution that provides consistent and safe access anytime, anywhere in response to changing network environments and protects users and organizations from various threats. The service controls extensive access by internal employees to unnecessary non-business sites, blocks malware infection due to clicking on malicious files or advertisements, and prevents leakage of key information within the company.

2) CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker)

A cloud security intermediate service that is responsible for overall security located between cloud service providers and users. By gaining visibility into the data of SaaS (Software as a Service) applications, CASB eliminates shadow IT and provides control and protection for each application function and data leak prevention functions.

3) FWaaS (Firewall as a Service)

A cloud-based firewall provides comprehensive security against malware threats and evolving threats through network traffic monitoring.

4) NG DPI (Next Generation DPI)

A technology that analyzes the content inside the packets and provides visibility and filtering of network applications and protocols.

Learn more about [AIONCLOUD Secure Internet Access]!

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