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Unified Scanning Service for Web Security – WSPC









Hello, this is MONITORAPP.

Website Protection (WP) is an integrated web security service provided by AIONCLOUD, which consists of WAAP, CDN, DDoS Mitigation, and WSPC.



Last time we introduced you to our CDN services, Secure CDN and DDoS Mitigation, and today we'll introduce you to WSPC, which continuously assesses and monitors the security of your website.



What is WSPC(Website Security Posture Check)?


While most organizations use security services such as WAAP to focus on inline, real-time traffic defense from the outside to their website, security assessment and monitoring services for the website itself are also essential for web security.

Hackers can target relatively insecure external content on your website to spread malware and tamper with your website, and if your website is attacked and infected with or spreads malware, it can be blacklisted.

Website blacklists are lists that block specific website URLs for security and reliability reasons and are often maintained by search engines, security companies, and anti-virus software providers.



After all, malware hidden on a website can be a death knell for a modern business, so it's critical to detect it early and take appropriate action.

AIONCLOUD WSPC provides a variety of services to continuously check the security status of your website and proactively detect potential threats to ensure security and business continuity.



WSPC includes the following key features.


Scan for malware

Attackers inject malware into websites for a variety of purposes, including data theft, phishing attacks, ransomware distribution, botnet building, SEO spam, and competitor reputation damage.

Popular websites with a high volume of visitors are especially prime targets for attacks aimed at stealing sensitive information or gaining financial gain, and malware injected into a website can cause a number of serious damages, including data breaches, loss of brand credibility, search engine blacklisting, and site downtime.

AIONCLOUD WSPC periodically scans your website for malware and notifies you as soon as it is detected, allowing you to take action.




Blacklist lookup

If your website is blacklisted, it can pose a serious security threat and damage your brand's credibility.

If an attacker injects malware into a website or distributes spam content, the website will often be placed on various blacklists, excluded from search engine results or warned to users.

This can reduce a company's website visibility and create a negative perception among potential visitors.

AIONCLOUD WSPC continuously monitors your website for blacklisting and provides you with the ability to view it in real-time, helping you maintain security and business continuity.




Monitoring SSL certificates

SSL/TLS certificates are essential for maintaining security by encrypting data transfers between your website and your users.



If your certificate expires or has vulnerable settings, your users' data is at risk of being exposed, and your website's reliability and availability can be negatively impacted.

AIONCLOUD WSPC continuously checks the status of your certificates with the SSL/TLS certificate monitoring feature, tracking expiration dates and security settings in real time.



This helps you verify the validity of your certificates and provides immediate notification of any issues to help keep your website secure.



Monitoring DNS record changes



DNS records translate a website's domain name into an IP address to enable connectivity between users and the website.



While accurate DNS records ensure the availability and accessibility of your website, tampering with or missing records can lead to accessibility issues and pose serious security threats.

Managing DNS records can be complicated, especially in large organizations, where security and system operations are often separated, which can lead to situations where changes to DNS records are not reflected in a timely manner or are not managed.

DNS misconfigurations can cause temporary downtime for your website and, in severe cases, put your users at risk of data exfiltration or malicious content distribution through DNS spoofing attacks.

Improper DNS record management can also cause problems with sending and receiving emails or disrupt other services.

Therefore, continuously checking DNS records and tracking changes in real time is critical to your organization's security and operations.


AIONCLOUD WSPC continuously checks your domain's DNS settings and tracks suspicious changes in real time through its DNS record monitoring feature.

This allows you to check the health of your DNS records and detect any issues early to help keep your website secure.



AIONCLOUD WSPC is an integrated website security service with a wide range of features.

AIONCLOUD WSPC helps you keep your website secure and ensure business continuity, so you can protect your website and strengthen trust with your customers.

We invite you to scan your website and experience the powerful security features of AIONCLOUD WSPC through the URL below.

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